Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Summary of the Judge's Guide to Cost-Effective E-Discovery

February 3, 2011

Joe Howie has posted a summary of the vendor-neutral Judge's Guide to Cost-Effective E-Discovery recently published by the eDiscovery Institute.

Among the technologies and processes covered in the Guide are:

  • deNISTing (i.e. not processing files known to be associated with commercial software, such as operating sytem files, help files, user documentation, templates, etc., as compiled by the National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  • Duplicate consolidation across custodians as opposed to just within custodians (average savings: 38 percent for across-custodian vs. 21 percent for within custodian)
  • Email threading (36 percent more than just  deduping)
  • Predictive coding (45 percent more than just deduping and email threading)

You can download the full guide here. Thanks for sending this along Joe.

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