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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Android Users – Hide Call and SMS Logs of Specific People

September 12, 2018

What if you don't want someone to know who you are texting or talking to on your smartphone? Like we hear so often…there's an app for that. Android users can use an app called Shady Contacts to hide call activity for specific people. After you install the app, you will be prompted to establish a swipe pattern to secure call activity for specific numbers. You need to tell Shady how to handle numbers not in your phonebook and which contacts to protect. Even though the Tech Viral post references Shady Contacts, it doesn't appear as if it is on the Google Play store any more. As an alternative, use the following app.

For text messages and call logs, use an app called Private SMS & Call. Instead of a swipe pattern, you will be prompted to establish a security password and email address. You will have to change your default app for handling SMS messages in order to take advantage of the blocking features. Just follow the prompts to select contacts and numbers to hide.

Another option is the Auto Delete CallLog/SMSHistory app. No matter what app you use, don't believe that your trail will be totally protected. Digital forensics may be able to uncover the information you are trying to hide. Perhaps I am a little more focused on these types of apps since we will be giving a CLE covering electronic evidence in family law later this week.

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