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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft Fixes Security Flaw Being Exploited by Russian Hackers

November 9, 2016

Last week, I wrote about Google throwing Microsoft under the bus for not fixing a critical vulnerability fast enough. It sparked a large discussion over the controversial announcement of a flaw before a vendor could issue a fix. According to Microsoft's security bulletin, an attacker could trick a user into running a "specially-crafted application" that could exploit the vulnerability to "install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights." Windows 10 users running the latest Anniversary Update are not affected by the flaw.

Microsoft has just issued the fix as part of its monthly round of security patches. The company also fixed six critical flaws — including one that affects all versions of Windows, along with eight other important updates, including cumulative updates for Internet Explorer and its Edge browser. As usual, make sure you update your systems as quickly as possible.

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