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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Ten Hidden Features of Google Apps for Work

October 5, 2016

There are good and bad things about cloud services. A good thing is the automatic updates and new features that get deployed. A bad thing is the automatic updates and new features that get deployed, especially when you don't want them. Network World has listed ten features that you may not even know exist even if you are a Google Apps for Work user.

  1. Automatic charts – Google Sheets
  2. Automatic outlining – Google Docs
  3. Sharable custom maps – Google Drive
  4. Disable downloading, printing, copying of any shared file – Google Drive
  5. Drag-and-drop files to upload them – Google Drive
  6. Make ebooks – Google Docs
  7. Quick commenting – Google Docs
  8. Voice typing and voice commands – Google Docs
  9. Search for regular expressions – Google Docs
  10. Search for files using natural language – Google Docs

Check out the post to get more details. I must admit, I was only aware of two items that made the list.

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