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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft’s Competitor to Trello Project Management

June 7, 2016

Trello is a very popular project management tool, where you can define tasks, deadlines, etc. Microsoft has now announced a competitor to Trello for Office 365 users. The product is called Planner and utilizes the concept of "Boards" to keep things organized. As reported by TechCrunch "Planner is integrated with OneNote, as well – every plan has a OneNote Notebook created for it, the company says. And the software works with Office, as users can attach Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to a Card. This document, then, is stored in SharePoint Online document library, which makes it available offline, too."

Planner has the advantage of being associated with Microsoft and not a new tech startup, which makes it a lot more appealing to users. The interesting question is will Planner compete with Microsoft's project management software called Project? I don't know what difference there are between Project and Planner, but I'm guessing that Planner is a lot less robust than the long time project management application Project.

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