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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Tips to Help Prevent Ransomware Infections

March 29, 2016

It seems like we hear about a new ransomware infection every single day. It doesn't have to be a big business like the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center. Individuals and small businesses are being attacked too. What can we do to help lessen the blow of ransomware? Naked Security has some tips to help prevent ransomware. The eight tips include:

  1. Back up your files regularly and keep a recent backup off-site.
  2. Don't enable macros.
  3. Consider installing Microsoft Office viewers.
  4. Be very careful about opening unsolicited attachments.
  5. Don't give yourself more login power than necessary.
  6. Patch, patch, patch.
  7. Train and retrain employees in your business.
  8. Segment the company network.

While all the tips are great suggestions, having a known good backup is probably the most important since you can restore your data following an infection.

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