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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Microsoft AV Gets Aggressive

June 15, 2015

I’ve never been a big fan of Microsoft’s security products. But the recent story in Ars Technica has me rethinking that posture. I particularly like that Microsoft is now starting to classify some “convenience” products as malware. The latest target is the Ask Toolbar, which is automatically installed with each Java update unless you uncheck the box. Apparently, the move doesn’t impact a large number of users, but it’s a good first step. I hate having to uncheck all the boxes to not install software I don’t want in the first place. It’s not just Java updates either. Other software and updates will typically install browser plugins that you never wanted. Let’s hope the other providers of security products begin to classify the unwanted plugins as malware.

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