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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Death of LastPass?

October 12, 2015

LogMeIn has announced that it is acquiring LastPass for $110M. Acquisitions sometimes go south. There are many examples of the “death” of companies after being swallowed up. Apparently, users of LastPass have a lot to be worried about since LogMeIn doesn’t have a very good track record. LogMeIn CEO Michael Simon said “We believe this transaction instantly gives us a market leading position in password management, while also providing a highly favorable foundation for delivering the next generation of identity and access management solutions to individuals, teams and companies.” LastPass customers aren’t as confident. One customer wrote "While I congratulate the lastpass founders on a nice exit, we as an Enterprise user will monitor very carefully if that impacts the pricing," If you’re a current LastPass user, you may want to begin investigating alternative password managers.

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