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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Preferred Way to Reference Cryptocurrency

August 29, 2017

Should you use a capital letter when describing cryptocurrency? Some say yes and some say no. There can be many religious battles over how to properly reference virtual currencies. I'm a stickler for details. My preference has always been to capitalize the term when referring to the network or the technology and to use lowercase when reference to the actual currency. Motherboard is going back to the way they originally referred to cryptocurrencies, which is consistent with my preference. To use the Motherboard example, "I love Bitcoin, and I own many bitcoins." The capitalization rule isn't just for bitcoins. It will work for Ethereum when dealing with ether. I think you'll still see lower case used by some and capitalization used by others. The "war" will continue just like whether you should capitalize Internet or leave it lower case.

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