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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

What to Use After a Malware Attack

April 18, 2018

Let's face it. No matter what you do, you will not be able to stop ALL malware attacks. So what should you do if you are unfortunate enough to contract a malware infection? The best advice is to totally reload the entire operating system and applications, but that would remove any of the custom configurations and updates. If you are not using virtual machines that can be restored to a prior state, what can you do to restore your system to a "safe" state? According to a TechRepublic post, "Experts at AV-TEST examined nine security suites and seven special tools in terms of their performance after malware attacks," according to the company's website. "The programs were required to detect and repair malware samples, plus repair and clean the Windows system."

The security suites tested are:

  • Avast! Free Antivirus
  • Avira Antivirus Pro
  • Bitdefender Internet Security
  • Enigma Software Spyhunter
  • G Data Internet Security
  • Kaspersky Internet Security
  • Malwarebytes Premium
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
  • Symantec Norton Security

The associated rescue media include:

  • Avast Rescue Disk
  • Bitdefender Rescue Disk
  • G Data BootMedium
  • Heise Disinfect
  • Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
  • Microsoft Safety Scanner
  • l Microsoft Windows Defender Offline

According to Andreas Marx, CEO of AV-TEST, testing took place from January to December 2017. "Bitdefender and Kaspersky were on top, each with 72 out of 76 completely repaired and cleaned systems," he added. "In each of the Bitdefender and Kaspersky test cases, all that survived were harmless file remnants." I've always been a big fan of Kaspersky. Once again the company's products finish at the top of the pile.

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