Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

What Happens to Your Google Digital Property When You Die?

April 15, 2013

To its credit, Google has debuted the Google Inactive Account Manager, designed as a sort of digital will. It is humorous that the acronym is IAM since it is designed to function when you are not. The Google geniuses may want to think of a new name.

This is an excellent development in handling digital property. With a sigh, I now realize I must change both my written materials and PowerPoints for upcoming sessions of "If You Die, Do Your Digital Assets Go to Hell?"

Our friend Deb Matthews, an excellent wills, trusts and estate attorney, has written a nice post on IAM. Go there to get a good summary.

Google also has a very readable set of instructions on how to use IAM. The trouble with lecturing on any of this stuff is that the only constant is change.

But, as I prepare this post, I am boiling water for a lobster feast with family – so life is not all bad.

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