Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW: Worldox for Mac and Web Preserver

April 9, 2013

One of our great joys is rambling around the ABA TECHSHOW Expo Hall, seeing old friends and keeping up with new developments. Here are two products we especially liked.

We visited with our friends at Reed Technology. We like their product, WebPreserver, which allows legal professionals to automatically record their social media and Web evidence, keeping valid, high-fidelity archives of all thepages visited, including those requiring passwords (where the passwords have been provided, as for company social media sites). The Web Preserver tool evenautomatically stamps a digital signature for each archived page.They've made several neat enhancements to the services includingscheduled URL and RSS capture and the all new SM@RT Preserver. The service is affordable and a great solution for lawyers and investigators who need to preserve social media forensically.

Mac users will be thrilled to learn that World Corporation had live demonstrations of their soon-to-be-released Worldox for Mac product. With most of the major features of theWorldox document management product, this is the first native Mac product from amajor legal DMS player. They had a lot of traffic at the show – even existing customers are seeing Macs enter their computing environment and are delighted to see Worldox for Mac.

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