Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW: Scary Pineapples, SpoofCards and a Serial Killer

April 8, 2013

We'll talk about other folks tomorrow, but here are some our favorite moments from our sessions at ABA TECHSHOW:

One segment we had to love was John’s demonstration of thePineapple Mark IV, a device which pretends to be wireless networks that your devicesknows. So when your device says “Hilton, are you here?” The Pineapple answers“Yes, I am.” And BINGO, you connect without knowing who you are connected to. In a session with a little over 50 people, 42of them connected to the bogus network John had set up. The consternation whenJohn and co-presenter Chris Ries revealedthe connections live was hilarious. Ourfriend Courtney Kenneday from the South Carolina Bar looked at me and queried withconcern, “What is my iPad doing? What is John making it do?” Yup, dangerous out there.

Later that day, John presented with Tom O'Connor and gave a demo of the SpoofCard. He got two audience members to give him their cell phone numbers and then used his SpoofCard account to call one attendee's phone – but the number that showed up as the caller's phone was the other attendee's phone number. Several loud gasps. Disgruntled spouses and ex-spouses are big users of the SpoofCard. But you can use it legitimately to show your office number so that clients don't get your cell phone number. Audience members liked that idea a lot.

We were honored to be the presenters at the plenary session on Saturday morning: On the Digital Trail of the Craigslist Killer. It has always been an audience favorite, but we turned it into a nearly "all-image" presentation (frightening because we had to keep a lot of facts in our head). It was gratifying to see so many people on the edge of their seats and to receive truly thunderous applause at the end. It made all the work to present it minus most of the text worthwhile.

As always, we are now exhausted but happy. Kudos go to the entire ABA TECHSHOW Board, but most especially to Chair Britt Lorish who did an outstanding job at the helm.

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