Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The FBI's Computer Analysis Response Team (CART)

January 23, 2013

At a recent conference, an attendee asked me what I thought of the FBI's Computer Analysis Response Team (CART). By in large, CART has a good reputation. In a story published by the FBI this month, the FBI relates that CART now has 500 certified special agents and other personnel working at FBI headquarters, 56 field offices and within the network of Regional Computer Forensics Laboratories.

During fiscal year 2012, CART conducted 13,300 digital forensics examinations involving 10,500 terabytes of data. The Library of Congress holds about 10 terabytes of printed data to give you some idea of how much data was involved.

Our own experience with CART (yes, we are usually on the other side) has been positive. Typically, digital forensics examiners are after the truth irrespective of what it proves. We have found the CART examiners to be polite, professional and well-qualified. And, now and again, I have been quite happy to see certain clients become guests of federal wardens.

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