Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW 2013: Registration is Now Open!

December 11, 2012

As the holidays draw nigh, John and I are always excited for a special gift – the honor of being asked to present at ABA TECHSHOW. This year, we were particularly honored to be asked to do a plenary session called "On the Trail of the Craigslist Killer: A Case Study in Digital Forensics." That has been the most popular of our presentations in 2012.

I will also be doing "Scary Tech: Cool Products and Hot Solutions for the Security-Minded Lawyer" with legal technologist extraordinaire and good friend Ben Schorr.

John has two other sessions: "Understanding Network Penetration Testing" with our brilliant young friend Chris Ries from Carnegie Mellon and the lurid "Text Me, Sext Me, Prove I Said It" which is an apt summary of many of our days.

Along the way, there will be a Meet the Author session and we will, as always, host a Taste of TECHSHOW dinner for attendees.

The TECHSHOW Board did a fantastic job at landing a keynoter – we are delighted that we can look forward to hearing David Pogue, the weekly personal tech writer for The New York Times and columnist for Scientific American. His list of accomplishments and honors is vast and he is sure to be entertaining as he takes a look at what disruptive technology will mean to the practice of law.

So mark your calendars for April 4-6, 2013 in Chicago! Learn about everything the ABA TECHSHOW has to offer here – and take advantage of the early bird registration prices!

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