Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Divorce Lawyer Indicted in Alleged Eavesdropping Scheme

October 10, 2012

Why do some attorneys think they can get away with unethical/illegal conduct? I guess that's a rhetorical question since it seems to happen all the time.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the indictment of Mary Nolan, a divorce lawyer in California's Bay Area. She allegedly hired a private investigator to plant listening devices in the cars of her clients' spouses.

Of course, if you think that's a good idea, why stop with violating wiretap laws? Ms. Nolan has also been indicted for income tax evasion for failing to report $1.8 million in income over a four year period.

The story makes for a good read. Apparently the investigator used female decoys to ply client spouses with liquor and get them to drive so that the investigator could advise police that they were driving under the influence. Gentlemen, beware of good looking women who get you loaded and insist you drive!

Divorce is ugly enough, but (if the allegations are true) these folks deserve a day of reckoning in court. If convicted, Ms. Nolan's law license will be history in short order.

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