Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Connecting From a Hotel? Got a Pop-up? Be Careful

June 6, 2012

Last month, the FBI issued a warning about malware which targets travelers abroad trying to connect from their hotel rooms. It warned that malware might be installed when travelers were attempting to connect to the Internet and clicked on a pop-up window asking them to update a popular piece of software.

Naked Security published a marvelous postasking questions about the FBI's less-than-wholly-helpful warning.

The betting money is that the FBI was talking about China which has become our cyber-boogeyman and some think the software was Adobe Flash.

As a general rule, no matter where you are, you should not click on a pop-up until you have a secure connection. Generally, in a hotel, you will achieve that secure connection through a VPN, a MiFi device, an aircard or tethering. If you see a pop-up before you have a secure connection, that should trip your radar right away. Anytime something doesn't feel right to you, you should trust your instincts.

And as a good security practice, you should install software updates before you travel.

Finally, don't think the scenario the FBI paints can only happen abroad – trying to get malware on your computers has become as American as the Fourth of July.

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