Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Kaspersky Calls Apple "10 Years" Behind Microsoft in Security

May 1, 2012

Hat tip to Jeff Fox.

Kaspersky founder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky probably won't get a Christmas card from Cupertino after he stated at the Info Security 2012 conference that Apple is "ten years behind Microsoft in terms of security."

In fairness, he noted that Apple once deceptively appeared safe because it wasn't targeted. As he commented, there is no fundamental security difference between the Apple and Microsoft worlds, but Apple's increasing market share has raised its visibility among those who want to exploit security vulnerabilities.

As Kaspersky wryly put it, "Welcome to Microsoft's world Mac. It's full of malware."

It has confounded me for years that Apple didn't see this coming and that it has failed to ramp up its security. There has been forward movement, to be sure, but with $100 billion in the bank, you would think Apple would be truly focused on protecting its legions of loyal users.

It's ok Eugene – John and I don't get Christmas cards either.

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