Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Judge Sexts His Own Bailiff and Has "No Shame in My Game"

April 26, 2012

OK, I was going to do a serious story. But then several judge friends sent me this story, Above the Law covered it, and my friends at the Association of Judicial Disciplinary Counsel (who have booked us for a digital forensics session this summer) also weighed in.

What's all this about? A judge who (what was he thinking?) sent a nearly naked photo of himself to one of his female bailiffs. Heck, he apparently sent it to a lot of women.

The Fox news storyis amazing – and the video is likely to make you fall off your chair laughing. Apparently, the judge, Detroit 3rd Circuit Judge Wade McCree, doesn't see a problem with his conduct, which sort of speaks to his qualifications to be a judge.

In fact, he compounded his profoundly unjudicial conduct by talking to reporters and saying “Hot dog, yep that’s me. I’ve got no shame in my game."

Forgive me judge, but I hope your tenure as a judge in Michigan is short-lived. There is a lot of "shame" in this kind of "game."

It's ok to click on the story from work – the photo has been tastefully cropped. Though I must tease my business development manager (in her sixties), who looked at me hopefully and asked, "You do have the uncropped version, don't you?" Apparently, I have a frisky bunch here at Sensei.

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