Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW: Expo Hall Highlights

April 5, 2012

Honestly, I wish I could write about all the vendors – they were warm and welcoming. But my own duties as a speaker and author kept me from canvassing the hall as thoroughly as I might have wished. Here are just some of the highlights.

The Law Practice Management booth was full of hot new books, including Locked Down, our most recent book. If you didn't get a chance to peruse the booth, here are the top sellers for this year.

Our friends at Digital WarRoom announced a significant upgrade, improving their low cost and very popular e-discovery software. You can read more about the upgrade here.

Worldox was featuring its new Worldox GX3 with dramatic gains in speed and optimized backend and data performance. There is also a new, easy-to-use interface. Worldox has long been our recommendation for document management in all but the largest firms.

The nice ladies at Ruby Receptionists (virtual receptionists) were full of smiles. They offer a 14-day trial and prices start as low at $219.00 a month – we've heard nothing but good things about this company.

This was the first year we had a chance to sit and talk with the folks from Rocket Matter, a leading provider of cloud-based practice management, including time tracking. We liked everything we heard, especially relative to their concerns about data security. And they announced in March that Rocket Matter is now integrating with the automatic time tracking tool Chrometa. We've recommended Chrometa for years, so this is very good news.

Many of our colleagues have reported good experiences with SpeakWrite, a transcription service where you can dictate your work through your telephone, dictation device or computer, with the completed documents returned to you in about three hours.

TrialPadis clearly the leader in courtroom presentation apps for the iPad and was ranked the #1 new product of 2011 by Technolawyer. All of our litigator friends sing the praises of TrialPad. We are scheduled to DO a demo with this product shortly, so look for our review, but what I saw at TECHSHOW was very impressive.

The Expo floor was busy and full of enthusiasm. As a former ABA TECHSHOW Chair, I thank all the vendors for their warmth and hospitality!

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