Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Electronic Discovery in Small Cases

March 5, 2012

It seems as though this subject has been around forever at conferences, but I'm happy to say that there are new developments which you'll hear about if you attend ABA TECHSHOW this year (March 29-31). My co-presenter, Bruce Olson, will be discussing and showing examples of e-discovery software which is useful and budget-friendly in small cases. I was particularly delighted to learn that the makers of Digital WarRoom will be exhibiting this year, so be sure and take a test drive.

If you haven't heard of Nuix's Proof Finder 2, that's a just-released tool you need to know about.

As always, there are lot of tips to help you narrow your searches, look for low-hanging fruit and minimize your outlay while maximizing your results. Yes, Virginia, there is way to cut e-discovery costs and still do a credible job. Bruce and I emulate Ebenezer Scrooge in our approach to e-discovery, so if you are also parsimonious, make sure you check this session out!

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