Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Our New Book – Locked Down: Information Security for Lawyers

February 29, 2012

I am happy to announce the upcoming publication by the American Bar Association of our new book, Locked Down: Information Security for Lawyers. Written with our friend and colleague, noted litigator and infosec expert Dave Ries, we hope this is a practical guide for lawyers in firms of all sizes.

We talk about how to:

  • Create secure passwords–and store them safely
  • Assess the existing security risks at your firm
  • Protect your mobile devices from theft
  • Encrypt your data
  • Secure your wired or wireless network
  • Effectively wipe data from a hard drive before disposal
  • Develop an information security exit checklist for departing lawyers and staff
  • Investigate, contain, and recover from a security breach

As you can imagine, there is much, much more – including some stories about real life data breaches that may convince you that your law firm may indeed be at risk. Lawyers are slowly losing the "it can't happen here" mentality that was always an illusion. Even a small firm take can take reasonable steps to protect its client data.

Though the book will be officially released late next month in conjunction with ABA TECHSHOW, the ABA is currently offering a 15% discount for pre-publication orders. Happy reading!

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