Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW – Have You Registered Yet?

February 7, 2012

It's a good time to register for ABA TECHSHOW and save money with early bird pricing that will end on February 17th.

This is our favorite legal technology conference, which I was honored to chair in 2006. We just heard yesterday that the Expo Hall is completely sold out so you should enjoy a full floor of products to view and test drive – and be sure to pick up some swag along the way. 🙂

This year, John will be lecturing with colleague Dave Ries on The Anatomy of a Law Firm Security Breach, with an actual demonstration of a data breach technique.

John will also be presenting with Scott Preston on Disaster Recovery: The Eat Your Spinach of IT. This should be an excellent session on ensuring business continuity in the face of catastrophe.

I'll be speaking with friend and legal technologist Dennis Kennedy on the Coffee Shop Office: The Ethics of Mobile Computing and with old friend and litigator turned computer forensics technologist Bruce Olson on Effective E-Discovery in Small Cases, in which we'll show you some of the tools lawyers can use to partially DIY their e-discovery work.

We'll also be hosting a Meet the Author session with Dave Ries to talk about our new book, Locked Down: Information Security for Law Firms and we'll be at the Law Practice Management's book booth to do a book signing as well.

The keynoter this year is Ben Stein of Ferris Buehler fame (Anyone? Anyone?). And yes, he is also an attorney with some impressive credentials – looking forward to that one! You can find the full CLE grid on the site – our problem is always that there are too many good choices which conflict – it's a nice problem to have.

So while you're at the keyboard, head on over to the ABA TECHSHOW  site and sign up!  Hope to see you in Chicago at the Hilton March 29-31!

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

