Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Our Test Drive: Reed Tech Web and Social Media Archiving Services

November 3, 2011

Thanks to Rod Wittenberg and Matt Byrd for a tour of Reed Tech's Web and Social Media Archiving Services (and yes, I recommended coming up with a shorter, catchier name). Nice product, with much of it very similar to the social media archiving products of Hanzo, Iterasi and Nextpoint.

What we really liked and saw as a great boon and product differentiator was the on-demand Web capture tool - what a great way to gather web content relevant to your area of practice into searchable folders – at $30 a month per seat, this is an affordable tool for solo and small firm lawyers. Heck, we see this as a valuable tool for us, given all the research and writing we do.

Rod was kind enough to send us a very thorough description of the product which I've included below:

Sharon and John,

Thanks again for your time last week. We really appreciate the time you spent with us reviewing the Reed Tech web and social media archiving solutions. We are excited to bring the services to market with some differentiation from the competition. This year has really been about creating market awareness, building relationships with potential customers and channel partners, and refining the tools.

We spent a good deal of time reviewing the “on-demand” capture tool. The Reed Technology solution will enable organizations like yours to create, organize, and use an archive of critical website and social media information in a state of the art application. The archives are stored in a high-tech data center and provide you unmitigated access to this data set 24x7x365. As web research becomes more of a focus for the legal industry, this solution will enable researchers to save time capturing and retrieving critical information.

Thanks to our discussions with attorneys and librarians over the past four months we have learned that the web capture tool supports a variety of business objectives including:

  1. Dramatically reduce the time it takes to accurately capture and preserve content from the web including social media, and find it when you need it.
  2. Easily organize all your web research into searchable folders or leverage tagging to identify critical themes.
  3. Confidently present critical web content in its native format with digital signature, date and time-stamp as evidence in court.
  4. Prevent “link rot” or changed website locations by permanently storing critical research in our state-of-the-art data center.
  5. Support your trademark research and audit needs by tracking the “effective use” of your clients’ trademarks. During an audit you can quickly retrieve compliant materials from your archive.

More broadly, our Web Archiving Services create fully searchable and interactive archives that not only capture the way the website appeared, but also restore its functionality. Dynamic capture modules expand this scheduled or on-demand service to encompass the archiving of a company’s entire online presence, including company websites, blogs, Twitter, forums, Wikis, and more. There are two defined processes that we provide to capture and preserve the web:

  1. Website Archiving- in this scenario Reed Technology works with clients to schedule website, blog and social media capture with sophisticated tools that automate and replicate the capture to the defined schedule and retention policy.
  2. On Demand Web Capture- in this scenario Reed Technology provides a browser plug-in to end users enabling user directed capture of web pages as necessary.

The on-demand web capture application can be sold to individual users or across the enterprise. Pricing starts at $30/seat per month for unlimited captures, access to the archive, customer support and up to 10G of storage in the Reed Technology data center. The automated web and social media archiving solutions start at a price point of $50 per month.

Key Product Features:

  • Full-text search
  • Date and Time Stamping
  • Digital Signature (Sha-1)
  • Folders & Tags (including auto tagging)
  • Thumbnail image review
  • Metadata
  • Date filters
  • Flash & Video
  • Document Capture
  • Retention schedule management
  • Legal hold
  • Data export to E-Discovery review tools

Nice product guys – and thanks again for taking the time to let us play in your sandbox! Now get to work on those export options so we can have our electronice evidence on paper. <g>

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

