Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

More on the Prevention of E-mail Imprudence

September 21, 2011

Another note from the mailbag from attorney Casey Horne in response to my recent post about the effect that e-mail has had on eroding professional civility.

"I have never, ever, even a little bit, regreted material taken out of an e-mail prior to sending.

I usually delete more than one-half of my riposte (counter-attack) emails; often I don't send them at all.  Some of my better writing still floats in the ethereal world of the "delete" galaxy.  Hopefully it will never be found. 
Great lines for a cage bar, however . . . (the kind in the movies where the chicken wire protects the comic from the patrons – although some attorneys do seem to be members).
I've also moved the "reply all" button to the other side of the tool bar."

Yes, Casey, I too have some wonderful literary salvos that died in draft form – as well they should have. 🙂

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