Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Average Cost of a Cyberattack: $416,000

August 31, 2011

HP recently released the results of a new report from a study conducted by the Ponemon Institute.

Of particular note to those of us who investigate cyberattacks, the average time to resolve a cyberattack is now 18 days with an average cost of $416,000. That a whopping 70% increase from last year's study. And if the attack comes from the inside, the time to resolve it rachets up to a scary 45 days.

There's a silver lining though – organizations deploying security information and incident management solutions showed a cost savings of 25%, primarily from slowing down the extent of the attack.

In another survey, Ponemon reported that respondents suffered 72 successful cyberattacks per week (ouch!), a 45% increase from last year. It would be nice to chalk up a victory for the good guys, but the bad guys are dominating the scoreboard for now.

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