Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ATM Skimming: FBI Reports the Skimmers are Getting Smarter

July 28, 2011

Actually, it isn't just ATMs that the crooks are skimming. They have moved on to gas pumps and anywhere else where a customer might swipe a card and enter a PIN.

I've avoided ATMs for years, both because of skimming and because (ex-Girl Scout leader that I am) I am always well prepared with cash and credit cards to meet any emergency. The FBI's recent report about the current status of ATM skimming is enlightening and includes some useful tips about how to avoid ATM skimming.

I will stick to my old-school method of avoiding skimming – avoiding ATMs.

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