Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Ten Favorite iPad Apps From Finis Price

April 28, 2011

With profound thanks to colleague and fellow ABA TECHSHOW speaker Finis Price, here is his list of Top Ten iPad apps. I ran into Finis (who seems to know so many apps and you can learn more about him at http://www.technoesq.com/) and he very kindly agreed to give me the list. You'll note that some of them have great relevance to litigators and those who deal with electronic evidence.

  1. iAnnotate – Every day usage to annotate medical records and pleadings (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iannotate-pdf/id363998953?mt=8)
  2. GV Connect – The best Google Voice app I have used. Stable and great GUI.
  3. Air Sketch– Used in trial and in depositions for witness to draw on a picture and simultaneously display on projector
  4. Trial Touch– Used in trial already and it's a fantastic Trial Presentation app
  5. PhotoSync – Transfer photos and videos to/from iPad/iPhone/Desktop
  6. 1Password– Generates random passwords, stores and sync's them with all of my iPads/iPhones and desktop browsers
  7. OmniFocus– Greatest task management app
  8. Notability– Records audio while I take notes in depositions and sync's the audio playback with my notes.
  9. ReaddleDocs– Best and most of all EASIEST document management program for the iPad
  10. BT Chat HD– Sets up a BT chat connection between multiple iPads, use it in trial and in depositions for co-counsel and experts to discuss testimony

Many thanks Finis!

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