Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Digital Detectives Interview with Josh Gilliland Released

April 27, 2011

Legal Talk Network has released the latest edition of our Digital Detectives podcast, this one featuring an interview with California attorney (and noted author of the Bow Tie Blog), Josh Gilliland. The podcast is entitled "The Five Hottest Topics in E-Discovery" as Josh sees them. Heavens knows that one could fight a religious war over the "hottest topicss" – it depends on who you speak to.

Josh, who has a quick wit and a way of turning a memorable phrase, talks about the format of production, litigation holds after the Pension Committee case, how small firms are survivng their entry into e-discovery, preservation of ESI and the constant hue and cry that "this request constitutes an undue burden."

Thanks Josh, for sharing your humor and knowledge with us!

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