Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Digital Detectives Podcast: Expert Witnesses in E-Discovery

February 9, 2011

On our latest Digital Detectives podcast from Legal Talk Network, John and I discuss the use of expert witnesses in e-discovery. We have four testifying computer forensics expert witnesses here at Sensei, so we've had a lot of experience for a small shop.

You can listen to some of the things we've all learned over the years about selecting and effectively using expert witnesses, as well as several of our war stories. We even have sartorial advice – not to mention the importance of keeping your cool on the stand when the judge's dog reigns in the courtroom.

We're excited to say that our next guest on Digital Detectives will be Jason Baron, often called the King of Search. In real life, our friend Jason is the Director of Litigation for the National Archives and Records Administration. But in e-discovery, his passion is searching so our topic will be "Performing Quality E-Discovery Searches: Is it Time to Set Some Standards?" I'll post the link here when it goes live.

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