Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Unauthorized Practice of Law Evidence Captured on Facebook

October 21, 2010

Hat tip to the Virginia State Bar's Jim McCauley for sending me this story.

As Chair of the VSB's Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee, I was particulary interested in a recent incident in New York. Apparently, someone complained to the state bar that a non-lawyer employee at a law firm was indeed practicing law, giving legal advice and accepting legal fees.

Her lawyer/employer vigorously defended the employee – until the bar presented her with the employee's Facebook page, which identified her as a "Partner in a law firm."  Hung by her own petard in an astonishingly stupid move.

Social media electronic evidence continues to be a runaway train.

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