Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

District Attorney Sexts Domestic Abuse Victim: "I am the Prize"

October 8, 2010

Calumet County District Attorney Kenneth Kratz sent 30 texts to a domestic abuse victim. His charming missives (now a classic case of hanging yourself with an electronic evidence noose) included such choice tidbits as "Are you the kind of girl that likes secret contact with an older married elected DA . . . the riskier the better?"

Perhaps the most obnoxious of his messages was this one: "I'm the attorney, I have the $350,000 house. I have the six-figure career. You may be the tall, young, hot nymph, but I am the prize."

Partly right Mr. Kratz. It strikes me that 'prize jerk' would be more apt. And I'm being kind.

By the way, he apparently sent electronic messages to more than one woman, along much the same lines.

Initially, Mr. Kratz refused to resign when reports of his conduct circulated in the press in mid-September, but he saw the light (partly) and submitted his resignation on October 4th.

In true modern fashion, Mr. Kratz is now receiving "treatment" for his "condition". Get caught red-handed in a sex-related scandal? Heaven forbid anyone should admit being an idiot who engaged in dreadfully immoral and unprofessional conduct. This is purely a personal opinion by a lawyer who loves her profession, but this sort of conduct deserves a lot more than a slap on the wrist by his bar. He attempted to use his position of power to obtain sexual favors from a woman who had already been victimized by an ex-boyfriend who allegedly choked her (Kratz was prosecuting the ex-boyfriend). It is my sincere hope that the Wisconsin Bar will investigate the matter and - if the facts are as reported in the press – suspend or revoke his law license. He has truly disgraced his profession.

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