Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recap: The Second Intermountain eDiscovery Conference 2010

September 28, 2010

John and I have just returned from lecturing at the Second Intermountain eDiscovery Conference 2010 in Salt Lake City. Many thanks to the folks at Orange Legal Technologies, most especially our friend Rob Robinson, for the gracious hospitality. We enjoyed talking about social media and e-discovery during our keynote and answering a raft of questions during the luncheon panel. Orange did a great job as a host, along with the conference sponsors, in making both attendees and faculty members feel welcome.

The highlight for us was getting a private "tour" of Orange's OneO Discovery platform, a hosted review tool. Since I can't say it better than Orange does, here is how Orange describes its platform:

"Orange Legal Technologies’ OneO® Discovery Platform is an integrated, web-accessible electronic discovery platform that enables online analysis, processing, and review of unstructured data from the security of a hosted centralized repository. Delivered under a Software as a Service (SaaS) model that requires no incremental investment on your behalf for hardware, software, or support personnel, OneO® allows users to gain full control of the electronic discovery process by providing a forensically sound discovery platform that allows users to:

  • Identify relevant document sets and eliminate irrelevant documents at the front end of the electronic discovery process.
  • Prepare relevant files for subsequent use while ensuring evidence defensibility.
  • Review data sets for relevance, responsiveness, privilege, and confidentiality."

Our guided tour of the platform was impressive – this is a very practical tool, and intuitive to use. John (predictably) hammered our hosts with questions. I was simply pleased that they had ready and good-natured answers for his fusillade of questions. There were one or two minor improvements which John honed in on – both being addressed in the next version, so Orange appears to be constantly refining its product. It is rare for John to declare "I like it" without a punch list of "things they need to do," but really, this appeared to be a very good product.

Because we had to scurry to attend buddy Tom O'Connor's session (witty as always Tom, great job), we didn't get into pricing (more my department), but if Orange sends me any pricing info, I'll be sure to pass it along.

Nice job guys. When picky John is happy, I'm always impressed. 🙂

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