Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Intermountain EDiscovery Conference: Sep. 24 in Salt Lake City

September 2, 2010

John and I are both excited to be lecturing at the Intermountain eDiscovery Conference. If you haven't heard about it, it is organized by Orange Legal Technologies and Fabian & Clendenin. The conference will be held on September 24th in Salt Lake City.

It is very inexpensive – $50. Gotta love that price, and it even includes lunch. Speakers include:

• Ryan G. Baker – Partner, Baker Marquart Crone & Hawxhurst
• Daniel S. Day – Senior Attorney, Litigation, SUPERVALU Inc.
• Michael I. Katz – Partner, Thomas Whitelaw
• Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. – President, Sensei Enterprises (Social Media and eDiscovery)
• Tom O’Connor – Director, Gulf Coast Legal Technology Center
• Rudy Perrino – Partner, Fulbright & Jaworksi L.L.P.
• John W. Simek – Vice President, Sensei Enterprises (Computer Forensics and eDiscovery)
• Mark L. Smith – Associate, Winston & Strawn

eDiscovery topics include:

• Social Media and Electronic Discovery:  Riches and Risks (this is the one John and I are presenting)
• The Challenge and Benefit of Integrating IT into Electronic Discovery
• The Continued Emergence of Early Case Assessment
• Considering eDiscovery?  Time, Cost and Risk Considerations
• Best Practices: Complex Discovery in Corporations and Law Firms
• Metadata: What It Is, Why It Is Important, and Why You Should Care
• Organizing and Managing Large Document Reviews
• eDiscovery 101 – An Overview of eDiscovery

We're looking forward to seeing our old friend Tom O'Connor who spends altogether too much time having fun in New Orleans.

It should be an excellent conference – if you'll be attending, please stop by and say hello.

E-mail:       Phone: 703-359-0700

