Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How Computer Forensics Firms Market Themselves

April 15, 2010

Some time back, I asked readers of this blog to tell me if they purchased e-mail lists and used them for marketing. I heard back from quite a few folks and was pretty surprised to hear that NONE of them had done this kind of marketing.

Some were thinking about it (like me), but hadn't gotten around to actually trying it. None of the major players wrote, so I suspect that their answers might have been different, but it was interesting that the small and mid-size companies haven't advertised in that way.

A surprising number of people said that they relied on print advertising and direct mail campaigns. Several said these old-fashioned methods were working pretty well, but others felt as though they were trapped in "old school" marketing and need to reinvent their marketing plans.

Quite a number talked about their forays into social media. A number of folks feel like they've gotten a pretty good handle on Twitter with fewer thinking that they really know what they're doing with Facebook.

My conclusion, overall, is that small and midsize computer forensics companies are still struggling with moving from the paper world to the electronic world. And no one seems entirely sure what works best and where the greatest ROI is.

I do intend to begin buying lists and using them, so I'll be sure to report back and share what I've learned.

As many of you know, I do an ABA legal technology podcast with Jim Calloway called The Digital Edge: Lawyers and Technology (you can find it on iTunes). As our next marketing foray, John and I hope to be able to announce soon that we will be doing a monthly podcast involving computer forensics for Legal Talk Network. Once our gracious sponsor has gotten the paperwork completed, I'll share the details. As always, John and I will be teaching and not selling, but from a marketing standpoint, if you share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise in podcasts, your listeners will tend to remember you when they have a need for your services.

Thanks to all who wrote me about their marketing practices!

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