Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

EDna is Still Reeling in Suitors and the Press is Interested

March 11, 2010

Much as I want to move on to other subjects, the EDna challenge has generated a lot of mail. Another suitor for EDna's hand has appeared. Also, we had a call from Lawyers USA today and will be interviewed tomorrow about EDna, who is apparently enjoying her 15 minutes of fame.

The new suitor is Bob Krantz, who wrote me on behalf of Mindseye Solutions and its e-discovery technology TunnelVision. Herewith, his note:


Thank you for highlighting this article from Craig Ball.  I love the message behind the Edna Challenge and feel that there is a tremendous need for firms of all sizes to have access to some form of eDiscovery technology in order to perform discovery more efficiently and defensibly.

I am one of the co-founders of Mindseye Solutions and our eDiscovery technology TunnelVision has met the Edna challenge.  Through the use of our Pay as you Go licensing model Edna would be able to structure and review the materials contained on the DVDs efficiently and defensibly for under half of the allotted budget with no strings attached.  Once Edna identifies her production set she can then use a portion of the remaining budget to purchase a license of Adobe Acrobat in order create a standardized production of documents relevant to the case including annotations and document numbering.

TunnelVision not only allows Edna to handle the data for less than the budgeted amount but it also gives her access to analytical tools often only found in higher cost solutions.  The analytical and reporting capabilities empower Edna to structure and index the materials in order to apply various filtering options, sample and validate the various data reduction strategies, and most importantly TunnelVision allows Edna to completely document each step of the process in the event that strategies are ever called into question.

I would be lying to you if I said TunnelVision was designed specifically to support scenarios similar to the Edna challenge.  Our solution is designed to meet the most demanding requirements of large scale discovery in terms of speed and scale while also implementing a simple and easy to understand workflow and user interface so anyone can work within the system.  We created the Pay as you Go licensing model in order to reduce the risk of bringing software in-house as it doesn’t lock firms into buying software licenses in preparation for cases but instead gives them access to the software should the need arise, almost creating a form of “eDiscovery Insurance.”  As a byproduct of this licensing model and in reading the Edna Challenge we realized that we had created a means for smaller firms and solo practices to gain access to innovative ediscovery technology on a case by case basis for a reasonable price.

As always Craig Ball has written a very creative and thought provoking article that highlights a major challenge within our business that needs to be addressed.  Thank you for continuing the dialougue and thank you for a great article.

Best Regards,
Bob Krantz

Bob Krantz
Mindseye Solutions
~Simplify eDiscovery~
(o) 888.770.3876
(c) 202.246.5552

Thanks for writing Bob – EDna sure has become one very popular woman. I think only Craig Ball can bless one of the suitors . . .

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