Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Craig Ball's EDna Challege: Has it Been Met?

March 4, 2010

Our friend Craig Ball created quite a stir with his EDna challenge, involving an old school chum with a small case who wanted to conduct an in-house EDD review. Craig challenged a number of experts to come up with a game plan and the technology to go with it.

That was a while back, but I recently received e-mail from Lynne Forristal Gallivan, an attorney and e-discovery consultant with Gallivan, Gallivan & O'Melia LLC who says that they have met the EDna challenge.

Here's her e-mail, with non-substantive edits of mine for clarity: 

Dear Ms. Nelson,

With regard to your recent posting on your Ride The Lightening blog discussing Craig Ball’s EDna challenge, Mr. Gallivan mentioned the EDna challenge in his MyLegal.com radio interview on January 26th 
Bill Gallivan, Co-Founder and CEO of GGO (Gallivan Gallivan & O’Melia LLC), the company behind the Digital WarRoom® Suite of e-discovery software, was interviewed by Lisa DiMonte of MyLegal.com on Blog Talk Radio on January 26, 2010.

In fact, we have built a product roadmap around the EDna challenge. We will be releasing perpetual license appliances with over 90% functionality similarly offered by products from Clearwell, Exterro, and Recommind, for about 1/10 price. We are a privately held consultancy and development shop with no VC or investor pressure and, according to Gartner reports, the only firm so positioned.

Our hope is that in the not too distant future, you will be reading, and we hope, blogging, about our victory in the EDna challenge!

Lynne Forristal Gallivan
Attorney/Legal E-Discovery Consultant

In a subsequent e-mail, she offered the following thoughts from her company:

“Many e-discovery vendors (and particularly service providers) experienced pricing pressures over 2009, as enterprise customers curbed out-of-control legal costs and moved toward in-house products that better fit their budgets and needs for ROI. Digital WarRoom tackles several significant pain points for in-house e-discovery, providing frequently outsourced functions such as processing, native document review, TIFF and native file production and hosting, as well as bringing greater predictability to costs with a per-user license fee. The company boasts extensive legal expertise and field experience…”

I have no experience with Digital WarRoom but would welcome comments from readers. In general, I am cautious about DIY efforts, most especially because it's not just about technology – expertise counts as well. But I'm game to see if the EDna challenge has been met, so yes Lynne, I'm happy to meet with someone from your company. Curious to see what the guru himself (that would be you Craig Ball!) thinks.

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