Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Computer Forensics and E-mail List Marketing: What Do You Do?

February 8, 2010

Recently, I've been giving serious thought to purchasing e-mail lists of attorneys for marketing. I hate reinventing the wheel, so I thought I'd ask my colleagues what they do, Most of the readers of this blog are in EDD companies, computer forensics or law firms and all potentially use this form of marketing.

I've been doing some research which I'm happy to share with readers, along with any comments that I may receive via e-mail. Here are some of my questions:

Do you purchase e-mail lists?

If so, for one time use or repeated use?

Are there companies you especially like or dislike? Why?

Do you use a one-stop company, which also does the transmission for you?

If not, how do you transmit the e-mails? Yourself? Or by using a service?

If a service, are there companies you especially like or dislike? Why?

What opt-out mechanism do your e-mails use?

What kind of e-mails do you send? Webinar invitations? White paper announcements? Product release announcement? General marketing pieces? What else?

How successful has this marketing been for you? Do you have a way to measure your conversion rate?

I've probably left out some logical questions, so feel free to answer the questions that aren't here and should be. I realize that many readers will prefer to keep such information confidential, but I've always tried (as many of you know personally) to share marketing tips and other useful information with my colleagues. When your competitors are also your friends, life is better. And it is astonishing how often collaboration results.

I'll report back next week. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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