Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Craig Ball and the EDna Challenge

January 14, 2010

Craig Ball's mind is an exciting but sometimes unnerving place – one of the things he most enjoys is coming up with a challenging e-discovery hypothetical and then confounding some of the lumaries of EDD with his fact scenario. He did this recently with my partner John Simek as well as many other well-respected EDD folks.

The EDna challenge involves an old school chum (yes, that would be Edna) who runs a small law firm. She wants to conduct an in-house review of ESI in a fairly small case. Craig outlines the facts, the technology available and the budget and then asks "How Should Edna proceed?"

I'm not going to spoil the fun of reading the entire article for yourself, but it really is an intellectual exercise to try to answer Craig's question without first reading the answers of the experts.

Then take a look at what the experts say (and of course Craig, who never lacks an opinion, offers his own excellent suggestions).

As Craig points out, we haven't yet bult a better mousetrap for those who want DIY ESI review. To quote from his conclusion, "Sadly, there's not that much new for those on shoestring budgets; that is, developers remain steadfastly disinterested in 85% of the potential market for desktop discovery tools."

Welcome home Craig – it's way too quiet in the EDD world when you're away. 🙂

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