Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


October 20, 2009

Last week, we had the pleasure of lecturing at the University of Virginia's School of Law during a special two-week program. The course was the brainchild of our friend and colleague John Tredennick, who led the course, which included a number of notable guest speakers.

The course was entitled "Electronic Discovery in a Global Environment." The faculty included Dr. Michael Berry, Magistrate Judge John Facciola, Richard Kershaw, Chris Ohly, Amir Milo, Jon Rosenthal, Chris Toomey and Jim Eidelman. We were delighted to be on this illustrious faculty but regret we couldn't attend the course to hear everyone else.

Unsurprisingly, John and I spoke on computer forensics. As the course was limited to 20 students, they had a very interactive and personal experience. Brilliant as they were, we had to laugh when one of them asked us, "you mean reformatting my machine didn't delete all the data?" No, my dear, it sure doesn't.

We hope more law schools will consider adding electronic discovery to their curriculum. Without question, there is no escape for the modern day lawyer: e-discovery is now fundamental to the practice of law. To practice competently, a lawyer will have to understand the fundamentals of e-discovery.

Congratulations John, on pulling together so many talented folks in the field and developing such a terrific program!

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