Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


October 7, 2009

Vancouver is such a beautiful city. Getting to watch the fog lift over the mountains as the sun came out each morning over the harbor was a glorious sight. Watching seaplane after seaplane land and take off was fun too – there is quite a bit of commuter traffic from the islands!

John and I had the pleasure of speaking in Vancouver last week at the Pacific Legal Technology Conference, where they had record-breaking attendance. There were many great sessions, one being the electronic disclosure (that’s what they call it in Canada) session that John did with Azool Jaffer-Jeraj and Jim Hughes. They covered the basics of electronic evidence and how to organize it as part of the collection process. Some of the major review platforms were discussed, such as Summation, Ringtail and MasterFile. The attendees were very engaged and wanted to know what they should look for in an electronic evidence vendor. The answer? Talk to your colleagues and get references. The quality of EDD processors is all over the map as are their billing practices.

As Jim works for the Crown, we good naturedly kidded him that we'd love to do a prosecution v. defense panel next time around. On both sides, we have some amazing digital detective stories to tell. And, of course, slighly different perspectives.

I know Dave Bilinsky, our kind host at PLTC, reads this blog, so tell us what you think Dave!

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