Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


May 11, 2009

Well, of COURSE there's a connection.

It was the night before John and I were to speak for the Oregon State Bar near Portland and we were going out to dinner with our friend (author/lawyer/lecturer) Bill Gibson. On the recommedation of his son, Bill took us to Dar Esselam, a beautifully appointed Moroccan restaurant in Wilsonville.

When Bill asked for an alcoholic libation, he was advised by the charming husband/wife owners that they had only "Moroccan whiskey." I think Bill was somewhat chagrined to find out that this referred to Moroccan mint tea, the national drink of choice. As Bill is rather partial to a Maker's Mark or two, he had to adjust to the surroundings a bit, but we actually had a wonderful tajine dinner (savory, not spicy unless you ask for it to be so – and made with your choice of cornish hen, lamb shank or oxtail).

And the connection to computer forensics? We were scheduled to lecture on it the next day, and with nothing but "Moroccan whiskey" to tempt us, we were up very early, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Not that we're ever dull-witted, mind you, but we don't always see the rising sun either. It was a full house – and perhaps one of the most inquisitive audiences we've ever had. When we told them they were at liberty to hijack our prepared remarks, they certainly took us at our word!

Actually, they startled us twice. At the electronic evidence session, we were suprised that only a small minority of the lawyers present had handled a case involving electronic evidence. Which didn't keep them from having lots of questions!

Also startling was how deeply they drilled down when we lectured on legal technology – you know, the hardware and software. It's not a topic that you can make sizzle – we often feel like we're feeding the audience spoonfuls of cod liver oil. But this crowd was so hungry for information that the time flew by. In this arena, they were considerably more knowledgeable than the average solo/small audience.

Thanks for the warm reception Oregon.

I don't think Bill, John or I will ever trade in our libations of choice for "Moroccan whiskey" but we sure did enjoy our culinary adventure!

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