Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


May 1, 2009

Computer forensics is computer forensics. That I can write about.

However, I've been asked to write a chapter for a nurse's association about computer forensics in the healthcare industry. I'm not entirely stumpted – there have been some intrusions, some interesting case law, and of course the federal law itself is changing.

Still, I'd be delighted to have suggestion for how to handle this topic, which could probably go beyond forensics to e-discovery and compliance issues.

Maybe it's the rain fogging up my brain, but a game plan is eluding me. Any and all help welcomed!

We recorded our Digital Edge podcast this morning with Jim Calloway (Oklahoma City), Dan Pinnington (Toronto), Reid Trautz (Minneapolis) and of course John and I here in Fairfax, VA. It was raining everywhere. Stay dry everyone.

And stock up on Purell. Courtesy of the swine flu, it is flying off the shelves. Snagged the last two bottles from CVS this morning.

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