Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


April 13, 2009

I am very happy to be lecturing at a Texas CLE in Houston on Wednesday. The problem, Houston, is a sinus infection compounded by an ear infection – and the voice of The Frog Princess. Just got started on antibiotics and hoping to be able to speak in near-human voice in a couple of days.

The keynote panel will consist of Browning Marean, Ralph Losey and myself discussing some of the interesting cases from 2008 forward, including Victor Stanley, Mancia, Qualcomm, O'Keefe, Keithley, Bray, Heriot, Gross Construction, Fannie Mae, Van Alstyne and Gutman. As we are all shy and retiring types (not), it should be a lively session.

Later, I will have the pleasure of presenting with Ralph again, as well as Judge David Waxse on privilege and professional responsibility.

John is presenting on production formats and (of course) computer forensics. Should be an excellent day of EDD CLE capped by host Craig Ball's infamously entertaining E-discovery Jeopardy. Craig missed his true calling as ringmaster in the center ring of the circus. As a master of ceremonies, he is without equal.

Now if I can just regain my voice – back to chicken soup and hot tea . . .

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