Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


August 6, 2008

It is always interesting to see what our cousins across the pond think. In the Orange Rag, a legal technology blog, the author took a look at the Socha-Gelbmann electronic discovery survey from the U.K. point of view after being bombarded with e-mails from companies trumpeting their rankings in the survey. A brief snippet:

“The word survey is possibly a misnomer, as the information gathered is self-selected by vendors submitting their own figures on company growth and revenue. The methodology used to arrive at the rankings is not explained, and in previous reports, firms have complained of seemingly arbitrary analysis and resultant ranking.

"That being said, the document represents a fair stab at capturing an annual snapshot of the state of the EDD market, and how various companies have fared over the years. . . the results of the survey give you a feel for the relative strengths of companies but are no substitute for meeting the vendors and evaluating their products.”

Both Socha and Gelbmann have strongly echoed that last sentiment over the years. Anyway, interesting to see another point of view. And my Inbox is STILL being bombarded with these press releases. Wonder if the folks sending them are taking into account the “irritation factor” that these self-congratulatory press releases generate?

The Orange Rag posting may be found at http://theorangerag.blogharbor.com/blog/_archives/2008/7/28/3813174.html

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