Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


February 15, 2008

Imagine this. You are a married businessman on your way home from work. As is your innocent custom, you stop in for a quick pint at the local pub. A very attractive young lady joins you at the bar and begins to flirt with you. Her “availability” is clear. Are you a bastion of chastity? Or do you decide that the easiest way to get rid of temptation is to surrender to it? Be aware that, at least in Britain, your encounter may be videotaped, for whatever use your spouse may choose to make of it. This remarkable “sting” operation is now dubbed “honey trapping” by British PIs, who say business is brisk.

The depressing result is that 80% of the targets appear ready to shuck their marriage vows when opportunity knocks. Of course, since their spouses are already suspicious enough to hire “hottie” PIs, perhaps that percentage is not so surprising.

Will this new PI tactic make it across the pond and provide a new source of electronic evidence in divorce cases? We haven’t seen this kind of aggressive maneuver yet, but we Yanks frequently imitate our English cousins, so we’re waiting for honey trapping to debut here.

So remember guys, if an attractive young lady comes out of nowhere to flirt with you – smile – for you may well be on Candid Camera.

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