Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


October 8, 2007

Thank God there was no video camera present to record what may have been five of the world’s most comic minutes, the first five minutes I spent on a Segway. One might think it impossible to make a Segway look like a mechnical bull in full bucking mode, but I accomplished it. Even the Bermuda tour guide noted that "one of our number needs a little remedial help." Have no fear, an hour and a half later, when the trip concluded, neither the Segway nor I had suffered any serious injury. Beware, if you intend to ride a Segway – for some of us, the initial learning curve is steep.

It is hard to feel too sorry for someone who has been a tad behind in blogging because they were on a cruise to Bermuda, but let me hasten to add that it was a business trip – John and I actually lectured aboard ship. Still no sympathy? Tough audience.

Here is the one relevant tidbit I learned on board – from "Fitness" magazine of all things. And no, I never made it to the fitness center. And yes, I did make it to the midnight buffet. Anyway, there is now actually a name for our tendency to fire off e-mails saying things that we would never say if we were in the same room talking to the recipient. According to Dr. John Suter, a professor of psychology at Rider University, our behavioral lapses in e-mail are a result of "the online disinhibition effect." I’m not sure the phrase has great Madison Avenue appeal, but I’ll pass it along to my criminal defense counsel clients as they seek a defense against electronic harassment charges!

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