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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Reset Your Network Settings on Android Devices

March 2, 2021

Sometimes network speeds crawl like molasses. Sometimes Wi-Fi connections suddenly drop or the WiFi network doesn’t show up at all. To solve your network connectivity troubles on Android, you may want to try resetting the network configuration. TechViral has a post to help you do just that.

The option is called ‘Reset Network Settings’ on your Android device. Keep in mind that if you reset the configuration, you will have to set up your VPN, BlueTooth, Wi-Fi and Mobile Data from scratch. As the post warns, “Please make sure to back up your WiFi network username/passwords, mobile data settings, and VPN settings before resetting the network settings. Once you reset, you will lose all those things.”

Start by opening the Settings panel on your Android device. Scroll down and select System. From there select Reset and then Reset Network Settings. Confirm the action by clicking on Reset Network Settings again.

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