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Ride The Lightning (RTL) Blog Featured in eDiscovery Today

June 21, 2022

A recent blog post by Doug Austin of eDiscovery Today entitled “World’s Biggest Data Breaches and Hacks: Cybersecurity Trends”, featured Sensei’s Sharon Nelson’s Ride the Lightning blog.


Here’s a terrific interactive resource from Information is Beautiful – the world’s biggest data breaches and hacks of over 30,000 records since all the way back in 2004!

As covered by Sharon Nelson in her excellent Ride the Lightning blog (The World’s Biggest Data Breaches, Beautifully Illustrated), the interactive infographic (say that five times fast!) shows a number of different sized circles from 2022 on down all the way to 2004, when AOL had (what was a massive data breach at the time) of 92 million records when a former AOL software engineer stole that many screen names and email addresses and sold them to spammers who sent up to 7 billion unsolicited emails (thanks a lot!).

You might think the SolarWinds hack from December 2020 is one of the biggest hacks ever at 50 million records breached. That’s nothing – heck, between September 2019 and March 2021, Facebook had 953 million records breached in two large breaches!

Read Sharon’s RTL blog here.

See Doug’s blog post here.