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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Linksys Forces Password Reset for Smart Wi-Fi Users

April 20, 2020

The cybercriminals know that a majority of the world is now working from home. They also know that a lot of them are working while attached to a Linksys router. Apparently, hackers gained access to at least 1,200 Linksys Smart Wi-Fi accounts according to a posting on Threatpost. It is believed that credential stuffing was used to gain access to the account credentials. As a result, Linksys has forced a password reset for all Linksys Smart Wi-Fi account users. The Linksys Smart Wi-Fi is an application that allows for the configuration of your Linksys router from anywhere. In other words, it is a remote administration application. We have always recommended that users disable any remote administration of your network devices. While it is convenient to remotely manage your home network, it increases your exposure to attacks. As Sean Connery stated in The Untouchables, " Here endeth the lesson."

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